Friday, August 22, 2008

Soaking It In

I have a two week break until I start graduate school. I can tell you that I am not taking this time for granted. I've been going to the park and the library and on picnics with my little ones, I am cleaning my house, doing laundry, working in the yard, baking cookies, and every other domestic thing I can think of. Do you sahm's know how lucky you are? I didn't until I lost my stay-at-home status. I would gladly give up my bachelor's degree if I could be at home with my kids all day again. I'm not saying it is a glorious job. Motherhood is definitely not easy. Still, it is the most meaningful and rewarding thing I have ever done.

I feel like life has given me a clearer view on things. Kind of like a person who has just learned they are dying. When life robs you of what you took for granted before it changes your perspective. Priorities change. Little things like cleaning the house never seemed so special before. Having time to really scrub my bathrooms is like a luxury now - and I don't even like cleaning. I always loved doing mommy things with my kids, like reading books and finding sweet teaching moments throughout the day, but now I appreciate it more fully. Just being there when they come home from school makes me feel so happy. I don't want to waste a single minute I have with them. I want to soak in every cute little expression on their faces and burn the sound of their childish laughter into my memory forever.

So since I can't go back and teach my old self to appreciate what I had then, maybe someone else can learn from me. Happy bathroom scrubbing all you sahm's. I'll be thinking of you.


Dolly said...

I have had the summer off from work-so I now avoid cleaning the bathrooms :)I know my time is limited and I could get called into a new job next I do need to catch up on cleaning. It has been fun blogging and watching TV with my kids though :) What a blessing it is to relax and slow down...

Marie said...

Wow Dolly! You really do stay up late! You topped me. I have to admit that I still avoid cleaning a lot more than I should :) part of what I really like about this free time is that avoiding cleaning is a choice right now instead of a necessity. That just makes it feel better :)

Unknown said...

Good point. Even as a sahm, you can get distracted and take it all for granted and not spend those precious moments. Taking too much time to clean can take too much from your children. Thanks for reminding us. I think we all need to remember the priority. We aren't staying home to be maids or to do laundry. We are staying home to be moms.