Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dreams Do Come True!

I’m graduating with my bachelor’s degree next week! Can I just tell you how excited I am? Whenever I had hard tests to study for or huge papers to write, I would picture myself in my cap and gown to get myself through it. During those hard times I used to daydream about throwing my cap up into the air, and everyone cheering, and taking pictures in front of the university. Ahhh. . . those were good daydreams. Now it is finally here! I really did it!!

I guess it isn't going to be quite like I dreamed about since my kids won't be here (they’re still with their dad). But those dreams were mainly to get me through the hard times. I don't need them now. The feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment I have is so powerful that it overshadows the rest of the details. Hooray for me!

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