Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grad School

I am loving being a grad student! Life feels different. I feel different. Nothing has really changed but everything has. I can't even explain it. I guess part of it is that it's so awesome to see one of my lifelong goals coming to fruition. Years ago, after doing a little research and realizing how hard it was to get into the program at the school I wanted to go to I felt like it would take a miracle for me to be admitted. If you knew what my high school grades were you would agree. I remember hoping and praying that somehow things would open up so that I could get in. And I felt that sweet, peaceful assurance that they would. It is so nice to be on this end of it and realize that those feelings weren't just my imagination. God really heard my prayers and helped me. My confidence and faith that He is real and that He will keep answering my prayers gets stronger all the time.

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